Saturday, July 10, 2010

Insanity Workout Day 187: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Pretty, Guest Stars, Mid-Year Review, Too Much Cheese, Monkeys, and My Sister

7-10-10: Wow! Has it really already been over a month since my last post? Work has been a bit draining, so writing, even fun writing, hasn’t seemed as much fun. Even still, my fans, particularly my sister, demand that I write updates. Therefore I have no choice…I must comply.

Well, how have I been doing, you ask? I have held firm…even with the sometimes crazy work hours and the working from home. While sometimes having terrible 3 times/week, I still have managed a few 5/times a week as well. I would have to guess that I am still at a 4 times/week average. This is good, not great. I need to get into the 5-6 times/week range. Currently, work is going to make that extraordinarily difficult. Actually, I’ve found myself missing the morning workouts far too often. Too many times I am doing post-work workouts, which, as avid readers might know, is no good for me. The reason for the Insanity workout was so that I could have a morning workout because too many things post-workout are too distracting (tv, movies, friends, sitting in a chair doing absolutely nothing). So, for the sake of my exercise routine…and thus, all of mankind….I must get back to morning workouts.

The eating plan has been foiled many times. Even the discipline that I had been following so well of taking half of “eat out” meals home has been faltering. And there have been a lot of eating out events. 4th of July, birthday celebrations, barbeques, and lots of eating out at work. I have had too much pop as well. I have tried to offset this, with eating really well the rest of the time. And, quite honestly, while maybe eating out a bit too many times and having to get past another caffeine addiction, I’m not far off from where I want to be. I still want to have fun eating events. I love to eat. This is inevitable. But, I still need to be mindful of the plan. A dark soul demands it.

Chapter 2: The Dark Soul

In foulness that is hard to imagine, creeps a creature so vile, the skin burns upon meeting it. The tendons ache. The muscles explode with pain. The sweat of pure terror flows freely from all pores, burning the eyes and filling the mouth with molten salt.

I thought I was free of this soul. I thought I could have a chocolate shake here, a chocolate shake there. I thought the missed workouts would not be noticed. I thought I had beaten this soul. I thought he would remain beaten.

The soul of Shaun T can never be beaten. I know that now. The torture he puts my body through is proof. He never truly left. He had always been tugging at the mind, digging his supernatural claws into my brain. Madness, such a distant thought much of the time, became the only thing I could think about. Was I mad? Am I mad? Am I going mad? Has the world gone mad? Does the evil and dark Shaun T have mercy? Will he forgive my insolence. He is now putting me through the trials.

So, my brother has done a couple workouts with me. He did very well. While he is doing some kettle ball workout, I was still impressed with his first attempts at the Insanity workout. He was, of course, beaten. As was I, even in my 100 and whatever attempt. A lot of fun. Greg Lalone also has done a couple workouts with me. Not bad in his first attempt, but Shaun T definitely beat him in subsequent trials. Shaun T can be an evil monkey.

Finally, how are things shaping up for me at the mid year point? I am in pretty good shape, and staying at a comfortable weight of about 208. I could still stand to work on the abs a little bit more, but if this is where I stayed on my Insanity journey, then I would be satisfied. Health is the most important part. And I think I’ve accomplished a healthier life game plan. As far as dunking? I’m not there yet. I haven’t played basketball in a while. Actually, I am itching to play some sort of sport to see the difference Insanity has made, but those opportunities just have not presented themselves.

And a special thanks to my sister for pestering me to write something. Yay Sister!


  1. Yay!!! I try and be the best agent of S.T. that I can be, but I'm not always with you so I fail.. I fail both of us. But even with the failures, you're still winning! Yay! You're making us all so proud, Dave!

  2. Maybe you can dunk right now, but if you try it, the Zen of the situation means actually dunking will elude you. Therefore, just knowing that you can dunk is enough.

  3. Stay commited. Any plans to do Insanity Asylum. I am beginning on the 24th of MAY.
